
Defenders of our generation

Join the movement

You can now become an integral part of our mission to defend the Jewish people and fight against antisemitism. By making a monthly contribution, you will actively support our educational programs, advocacy initiatives, and efforts to promote inclusivity and acceptance.

Standing up for our generation.

The word La’ad, derived from Hebrew, carries a profound message and purpose meaning “forever” or “eternity.” This word encapsulates our unwavering commitment to defending the Jewish people and fighting against antisemitism. But La’ad is more than just a name; it also represents an acronym: “להגן על דורנו” (Lehagen Al Doranu) which translates to “defending for our generation.”

This acronym reflects our dedication to protecting and empowering our generation in the face of challenges and is a response to the famous line in Vehi Sheamda read out during the passover seder: “In every generation they rise up to destroy us.”

If that is the case, we must stand up and defend ourselves in each generation. Join La’ad and become a Defender today.

As a defender you will:

Safeguard the Jewish Community: Your monthly donation will directly support our initiatives to combat antisemitism and protect the Jewish people. You become an integral part of our efforts to defend Jewish identity, heritage, and values.

Foster Interfaith Understanding: Your contribution helps us deliver educational programs that promote dialogue and understanding between Jewish and non-Jewish communities. With your help, we can build bridges of acceptance, respect, and mutual appreciation.

Promote Jewish Indigeneity: By joining our community, you contribute to raising awareness and understanding of Jewish indigeneity in the Land of Israel. Together, we strive to educate and engage others in recognizing the historical connection of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland.


  • Exclusive updates and newsletters: Stay informed about our latest initiatives, events, and successes through our exclusive Champion newsletter.
  • Recognition on our website: Option to have your name featured on our website's "Champion Wall" as a valued supporter.
  • Invitations to online events: Join us for special online events, including discussions with experts and guest speakers.


  • All benefits of the Champion tier.
  • Special Edition La'ad logo pin: Show your commitment to defending the Jewish people with a limited edition La'ad logo pin.
  • Quarterly digital magazine: Receive our quarterly digital magazine, filled with inspiring stories, educational content, and behind-the-scenes updates.


  • All benefits of the Champion and Defender tiers.
  • Exclusive La'ad t-shirt: Receive a high-quality La'ad t-shirt, proudly displaying your dedication to being a Guardian.
  • VIP access to online events: Enjoy VIP access to exclusive online events, including private discussions and Q&A sessions with our team and special guests.